Binnenlandse blogs & sites
- 7 inch mania
- Bits & Pieces
- Chezlubacov
- Eet u smakelijk
- Harry Prenger Bloque
- Marco Kalkenek
- Minigroove
- Music on vinyl
- Muziekfanaat
- Nederlands Grammofoon Genootschap
- No longer forgotten music
- Ochtendhumeur met brede opklaringen
- Onder de naald
- Platenkasten
- Serious Vinyl
- Soundtrack of my life
- Terrible Music
- The Rare Record Reporter
- Vinylfanaten
- Wiel's Time Capsule
Buitenlandse blogs & sites
- 7" from the Underground
- A Viable Commercial
- Analog Apartment
- ARCblog
- Berlin Beatet Bestes
- Continuo's weblog
- Dust & Grooves
- For the Record
- Fritz die Spinne
- LPCover Lover
- Med Denna Verkliga Kniv
- Mutant Sounds
- Nylvi Blog
- OMG Vinyl
- Raiding the Vinyl Archive
- Record Envelope
- Rooms with Brittle Views
- Short sharp kick in the teeth
- Sleeveface
- The Thing on the Doorstep
- Thrift Store DJ
- Thrifty Vinyl
- Time Has Told Me
- Vintage Vinyl Revival
- Vinyl digging
- Vinylmania
- Waxidermy
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